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Saturday, 4 March 2017

   Higher Secondary English Paper I Important Questions

I. Synonyms

  1. Valiant
  2. Vanquished
  3. wit
  4. Ruffle
  5. Ransoms
  7. Patronizing
  8. Chauvinistic
  9. Emerged
11. Obeisance
12. Surreal
13. Bizarre
14. Stark
15. Consummate
16. Seduce
17. Perplexity
18. Tranquility
19. Gratify
20. Risible
24. Absurdities
25. Petrified
26. Battered
27. Banded
28. Suspicious
29. Squashed
30. Parched
31. Sullen
32. Industrious
33. Stench
34. Enigma
35. Sloughing
36. Catastrophe
37. Sanguine
38. Serenely

II. Antonym

 1. Frailty
 2. Sacred
 3. Valiant
 4. Tyrant
 5. Dormant
 6. Bestowed
 7. Domineering
 8. Implicit
 9. Sturdy
10. Deterred
11. Abandoned
12. Copious
13. Exaggerated
14. Tranquility
15. Illiterate
16. Vile
17. Suspicious
18. Parched
19. Agony
20. Monstrous
21. Extinguished
22. Harness
23. Sanguine
24. Forbidden
25. Cursed 

Section -C

 1. Plural form 
    Medium, Formula, Child, Syllabus
 2. Idiom
    To be on cloud nine
    To be at logger heads
    To give a piece of ones mind
 3. Abbreviation
 4. Homophone
    Eminent/imminent,  Adopted/adapted, whether/weather
 5. Blended words
    news+broadcast, Lecture&demonstration,Education&Entertinment
 6. Syllabification
    Argumentative, censure, diligence, vanish
 7. Write a sentence using the word as noun and Verb
    Fine, hope, old, equal, like
 8. American English
    Holiday, Aerial, lift, Pavement, Sweets
 9. Compound word
    Shop-owner, World-famous, Taxi-driver
10.Noun+Gerund, Verb+noun, Preposition+noun
11. look after, pick on, call on, call off
12. clipped words
      Fanatics, influenza, laboratory,photograph,perambulator,aeroplane

Section - B

1.  i) SVOCA 
    ii) SVOA
   iii) SVIODO

2.English ------- (speak) all over the world by millions of people
   Metals have -------(replace) by plastics
   In primitive rimes, stone implements ------- (employ) to kill animals.
  A wide variety of liquids ------- (use) in chemical plants
  Water---------(collect) in the tank.

3. She ------ playing the guitar when i called on her
    A good teacher -------- make even boring lessons interesting
   one ------- always keep his promises
   All citizens --------- obey the laws of the land
   Don't worry. This ------- happen to anyone
   Even if you ask me not to go, I -------
   The word --------- avoid war, in the larger interest of the human race as a whole.
   No man -------- call back yesterday
   I wish you ------- tell me the truth
   One never knows what the future -------- bring
   Law makers --------- not be law breakers
   God ------- not be everywhere, so he made mothers.

4. We Ought to help the needy.
    My grandfather used to walk for long hours when he was young
    We need to keep our environment clean
    How ------ you ask me such a question?
    You ------- not read every chapter
    I ----- wake up at 5'O clock in the morning when I was a young boy

     Relative pronoun
5. Show me the book ------ you bought yesterday
    This is the house -------- i was born
     Most of the friends ------- she invited came for her wedding
    The film is about a leader ------- led the freedom struggle of his country

Transform the following sentence as instructed

1. Report the dialogue
Shop-keeper: Why did you bring this book?
Student:          ten pages are missing in this book.
Shop - Keeper:Please bring the bill, I will exchange it with a fresh copy

2. Student: Good morning, sir, I'm Gopi, a former student of this school. I want my Transfer Certificate, Sir.
    Headmaster: Give me your application. please come tomorrow and collect your T.C
    Student:Can't i get it today sir?
    Headmaster: I am sorry. it is not possible. The clerk is on leave today.

3. Tourist: How can I reach Mahabalipuram?
     tourist Guide: you can drive along the East coast Road. The road is smooth and free from traffic jams and                           in about 90 minutes you will reach Mahabalipuram.
    Tourist: oh, that's fine. thank you

1. Julius Caesar
2. To the land of snow

1. Gandhi


1. Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
    be a hero in this strife

2. And, departing, leave behind us
    footprints on the sands of time

3. As humble plants by country hedgerows growing,
    That treasure up the rain.

4. it launche'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself

5. The voice of my education said that it must not be killed

6. I shot him dead becaus
     he was my foe

Poem paragraph
A Psalm of life



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