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Wednesday, 4 February 2015



                                                        Register Number:                

                   Language – Part B – ENGLISH – Paper – II
Time Allowed: 3 Hours]                                                            [Maximum Marks: 80

Instruction: In your answer-book, use the Arabic numerals 1 to 39 of the questions you answer:
                                                       SECTION – A
(Supplementary Reader)
(Marks: 25)

I. (A) 1. Write a paragraph by rearranging the following sentences in the
              Correct sequence. (The first and the last sentences are already in order.)

-         The city full of refugees – without food and shelter
-         A passerby took pity on the old man.
-         The old man used only the copper coin to buy some noodles for the grandson
-         He dropped a silver and a copper penny into the old man’s apron.
-         A vendor was selling noodles nearby
-         He kept the silver coin to buy seeds.

   (B) Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the options

         2. The party was engulfed in -------------------
             (a) Fire                                                        (b) flood
             (c) Fog                                                        (d) flame

        3. All the animals were ------------ with the camel’s attitude.
             (a) Happy                                                     (b) Unhappy
             (c) angry                                                       (d) indifferent

        4. The giant stayed with his friend for -------------------
          (a) Ten years                                                   (b) seven months
          (c) Seven years                                               (d) Two years

    5. The Behrman died of -----------------
          (a) Malaria                                                       (b) pneumonia
          (c) Typhoid                                                      (d) Stomach pain

   6. The value highlighted in the story ‘Two Friends’ is ------------
          (a) Patriotism                                                   (b) honesty
          (c) Friendship                                                   (d) Humanism.

C) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:   5x1=5

At the end of the day the Man called the Horse and the Dog and the Ox together, and said, “Three, O Three, I’m very sorry for you (with the world so new –and-all); but that Humph-thing in the Desert can’t work, or he would have been here by now, so I am going to leave him alone, and  you must work double – time to make up for it”

That made the three very angry (with the world so new- and – all), and they held a palaver, and an indaba, and a panchayat, and a pow-wow on the edge of the Desert; and the Camel came chewing on milkweed – most ‘xcruciating  idle, and laughed at them. Then he said “Humph !” and went away again.

Presently there came along the Djinn in charge of All Deserts, rolling in a cloud of dust (djinn always travels that way because it is Magic), and he stopped to palaver and pow-wow with the three.
“Djinn of All Deserts” said the Horse, “is it right for any one to be idle, with the world so new – and – all ?”
“Certainly not,” said the Djinn.


7. Why was the man sorry for the horse, the dog and the ox?

8. What did the man decide to do with the camel who refused to do work?

 9. What made the three hard working animals very angry?

10.  Who was in-charge of all the Deserts?

11. What was Djinn’s opinion on idleness?

D) 12. Write an essay by developing the following hints:

            Lovely garden    children played    giant returned     built a wall –
            Children nowhere to play – no spring – giant worried – one day birds
            Came    children in the garden     spring came    flowers bloomed –
            Children are the best flowers – giant died.

             Sue and Johnsy friends – painters – Johnsy suffered from pneumonia –
             Sue looked after her – Johnsy to paint the Bay of  Napels – Johnsy
             looked at the falling leaves – counted days – Behrman model – helped
             Sue – Johnsy waiting for the last leaf – gave hope – recovered – doctor
             met Behrman – Patient – Behrman died – last leaf his masterpiece.

(Learning Competency – Study Skills)
                                                       (Marks: 15)
II. A) Answer the following:

         13. What are the different sections in a modern library?

         14. Mention any complete e-mail ID of any two organizations.

         15. Expand and Explain ‘OPAC’.

         16. Bring out the meaning of ‘cliché’ and use in a sentence “first and

         17. Arrange the names of two authors ‘Kamala Dass’ and ‘John Milton’ as
               Found in the library catalogue.

    B)  Read the following, spot the errors and correct them:

         18) Ten kilometers are a long walk.

        19) Neither the money nor the jewels were recovered

        20) The exam will be conducted from 2pm and 5pm

       21) I saw an one rupee coin.

       22) She is suffering with fever

                                          SECTION – C
                        (Occupational Competency – Job Skills)
III. A) 23. Write the summary of the following passage in about 100 words:  5

Tsunamis are not as common as other weather related disasters, but they can cause significant damage. The word tsunami comes from a Japanese word meaning "long harbor wave." Today, scientist use the term to define seismic sea waves generated by undersea earthquakes or undersea landslides and volcanic eruptions. Most tsunamis occur along the Ring of Fire, a wave of volcanic and earthquake activity that encircles the Pacific Ocean. The Hawaiian Islands and Alaska areas are common for this type of disaster. Tsunami waves have long lengths and travel very fast in deep water. Upon reaching the shore, the speed of the wave decreases, but the height increases dramatically causing massive damage to coastlines. The Tsunami Warning System has helped in warning people of these disasters, but more research and technology is needed to improve the predictions of this natural disaster.
Tsunami is not a common term for people living on the East Coast, but the term poses a fear for those living close to the Pacific Ocean. The word Tsunami comes from a Japanese word meaning "long harbor wave." Scientist to describe a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake or an undersea landslide (Encarta) also uses the term. A violent submarine volcanic eruption can create enough force to uplift the water and generate a tsunami. Generally, tsunamis formed by submarine landslides and volcanic eruptions dissipate quickly and rarely effect coastlines unlike the Pacific-wide tsunamis caused by earthquakes (Tsunamis) Tsunamis can savagely attack coastlines, causing devastating property damage and loss of life.

 B) 24. Respond to the following Advertisement considering yourself fulfilling
           the conditions specified (write xxx for your name and yyy for your address)

                                                    Chief Cook
The applicant should be a graduate in catering or home science with minimum two years of experience in the Hotel. Apply with curriculum vitae to
                         Munusamy chetinadu Hotel” chennai -600 002

                                                 SECTION – D
                                (Strategic Competency – Life Skills)
                                                      (Marks : 5)
IV. A) 25. Fill in the blanks with the non – lexical fillers in the following

        Dhana : Did you find the answer in this book?
        Nada  : ---------- I don’t think, the answer will be found in this book.

       Dhana: Wait let me find out, ------------ it,s here.

       Nada :  Is it? Thank you.

     B) 26.      Guide a student to the L.K.School. Write three instruction by
                      Way Of helping him:

                                                         SECTION – E
                        (Creative Competency – Artistic / Literacy Skills)
                                                     (Marks: 10)
V. A) Match the proverb with their meanings:
                         Proverbs                                                  Meanings

27. A bad excuse is better than none             (a) Put all your eggs in one basket

28.  A Cat has nine lives                                  (b) A loveless life is a living death

29. Dead men tell no lies                                (c) A dry March, a wet April and a cool May

30.  Laughter is the best medicine                   (d) Constant occupation prevents temptation

31. Penny wise, pound foolish                        (e)   ask me no questions...

    B)  Match the slogans with their suitable products:
            Products                                                          slogans

      (a) Google                                             -   Buy it, sell it, love it  
      (b) Play station                                      -   Don’t be evil
      (c) Adidas                                              -   Impossible is nothing
      (d) Yellow Pages                                   -   Live in your world play in ours
      (e) Ebay                                                 -   Let your fingers do walking

                                                           SECTION – F
                                                     (Extensive Reading)
                                                          (Marks : 10)
VI. Write a general essay in about 200 words on any one of the following:

  37. Clean India
  38. Education Awareness Program in India
  39. Health is wealth