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Monday, 24 February 2014




This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory

 1. When the findings of an experimental research are generalized to target population, the research is said to possess
(A) Internal validity
(B) Concurrent validity
(C) External validity
(D) Predictive validity

2. Which of the following do lay the foundation for curriculum ?
(A) Societal Priorities, Government and Resources
(B) Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
(C) Study materials, Training facilities and Societal needs
(D) Psychological bases of Education

3. Which of the following is an example of Summative Evaluation for Standard IX ?
(A) Quarterly Examination
(B) Half-yearly Examination
(C) Annual examination
(D) Mid-Term Tests

4. Multiple choice question is an example of which of the following method of studying the process of   remembering and forgetting ?
(A) Recall
(B) Re-learning
(C) Recognition
(D) Reconstruction

5. The concept of advance organised was developed by
(A) Bruner (B) Ausubel (C) Erikson (D) Kohlberg

6. Strong’s Vocational Interest Blank Test consists of
(A) 100 items (B) 200 items (C) 300 items (D) 400 items

7. Which of the following correct order comes under Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ?
(A) Self actualization, safety, love, esteem
(B) Physiological need, self actualisation, esteem, safety
(C) Physiological need, safety, love, esteem
(D) Physiological need, esteem, self actualization, love

8. The Web.2 technologies which are helping in acquiring multiple knowledge are :
(A) U-Tube
(B) Face Book
(C) Wikkipedia
(D) All the above

9. The word cybernetics was first used by
(A) Norbert Wiener
(B) Claude E. Shannan
(C) Warren Weaver Model
(D) Aristotle

10. Education does not include the following resources
(A) Human resources
(B) Material resources
(C) Water resources
(D) Financial resources

11. Phenomenology is a method basically used in
(A) Educational research
(B) Philosophical research
(C) Historical research
(D) Experimental research

12. The status-quo of a situation in research can be studied through :
(A) Experimental research
(B) Survey research
(C) Historical research
(D) Phenomenological research

13. Which of the following is incorrect as a measure of dispersion ?
(A) Quartile Deviation
(B) Range
(C) Standard Deviation
(D) Sampling Error

14. Selection Test for admission to teacher training program was suggested by

15. NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in
(A) 1975 (B) 1995 (C) 1996 (D) 1986

16. A reliability coefficient cannot be negative because :
(A) It is a square of a correlation coefficient.
(B) Negative reliability is meaningless.
(C) It is a self-correlation of the test.
(D) It does not measure different things.

17. Which of the following cannot be used as a synonym of reliability ?
(A) Accuracy
(B) Precision
(C) Dependability
(D) Relevance

18. Mobility and orientation training is linked with
(A) Students with Hearing Impairment
(B) Students with Mental Retardation
(C) Students with Visual Impairment
(D) Students with Learning Disability

19. Idiots are labelled as having an IQ range of
(A) 100-125 (B) 0-25 (C) 120-160 (D) 60-90

20. National Knowledge Commission is headed by
(A) D.S. Kothari
(B) Amartya Sen
(C) Sam Pitroda
(D) Azim Premji

21. The sources of knowledge (Pramanas) in Advaita Vedanta are
(A) two (B) three (C) four (D) six

22. The value commended by existentialism is
(A) liberation
(B) self-realisation
(C) harmony with nature
(D) authenticity

23. When a poor rural girl hailing from a socially disadvantaged family gets scholarship for higher
     studies and then lands in a high paid job in a city it is not an instance of education becoming
(A) a vehicle for social mobility
(B) a tool for gender justice
(C) a vehicle for geographical mobility
(D) an instrument for social stratification

24. The policy of reservation of seats in higher education and in Government employment is an example for
(A) Sponsored mobility
(B) Contest mobility
(C) Cultural mobility
(D) Geographical mobility

25. What does the Counsellor do in “Observation for Recording” and “Observation for Rating” ?
I. In Observation for Recording, the Counsellor acts like a versatile camera.
II. In Observation for Recording, the Counsellor records everything unmindful of the distraction
    caused to the client.
III. In Observation for Rating, the Counsellor does not observe the client while indulged in rating.
IV. In Observation for Rating, the Counsellor judges and rates the brain, while still observing the client.
Choose the correct answers from the code given below :
Codes :
(A) I and IV (B) II and III (C) I and III (D) III and IV

26. A face to face, informal interaction is considered the best technique for collecting information
     about the client and his/her problem. How ?
(A) It helps to get first hand information about the client and his/her problem.
(B) It is very easy to organise and conduct an interview with the client.
(C) The interview can be videographed.
(D) It is flexible and makes the client feel comfortable.

27. What is meant by the term “curriculum” ?
(A) The subject of study offered by an educational institution.
(B) Theory and Practical courses to be completed to qualify for a level of education.
(C) Organised whole of learning and other experiences provided by educational institutions,
       to realize set goals.
(D) The prescribed syllabi in the Mvarious subjects, plus practical courses and project/ dissertation.

28. What are the uses of System Analysis, when applied to classroom instruction as
      a sub-system of the curriculum ?
I. It helps to design classroom instruction differently.
II. It helps to assess the effectiveness of the existing instructional design.
III. It helps the teacher to verify results and get feedback.
IV. It helps as a novel method of reviewing classroom instruction.
Choose the correct answers from the code given below :
Codes :
(A) III, IV and I
(B) I, II and III
(C) IV, I and II
(D) II, III and IV

29. Tests that do not require the use of language of the subjects but responses are in the
       form of activities are called as
(A) Verbal tests
(B) Non-verbal tests
(C) Performance tests
(D) None of the above

30. Match the following & select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I Psychological Test                        List – II Psychologist
a. Intelligence Test                                           i. Rorschach
b. Interest Test                                                ii. Torrance
c. Personality Test                                          iii. Binet
d. Creativity Test                                            iv. Strong
                                                                      v. Likert
Codes :
     a b c d
(A) iii ii i v
(B) v ii iv iii
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) iii iv i ii

31. Which of the following is not an example of inter-individual difference ?
(A) The child is black in colour.
(B) The child is fat.
(C) The child likes potato.
(D) The nose of the child is sharp.

32. Identity versus role confusion is a characteristic of
(A) Childhood stage
(B) Adolescence stage
(C) Infancy stage
(D) Early childhood stage

33. The effectiveness of a multi-media approach in teaching can be answered through
(A) Experimentation
(B) Survey
(C) Case-studies
(D) Longitudinal studies

34. In 1974-75 NCERT used Radiovision lessons, Television Discussions and Activities to
     train inservice primary school teachers in Science. This is an example of
(A) Integrated Approach
(B) Group-oriented Approach
(C) Multi-Media Approach
(D) Team Teaching Approach

35. What is the important objective of economic planning ?
(A) Planned development
(B) Eradication of poverty
(C) Total employment
(D) More per capita income

36. The system analysis relates to
(A) Input aspect
(B) Product aspect
(C) Process aspect
(D) Resource aspect

37. The control of extraneous variables in experimental research after the treatment is given
     can be done through a technique called
(A) Statistical Regression
(B) Post-Test
(C) One-way ANOVA
(D) Analysis of Co-variance

38. Which of the following is incorrect pairing ?
(A) Product moment coefficient of correlation r
(B) Chi Square χ2
(C) Multiple correlation R
(D) Standard deviation ρ

39. A survey of population is equivalent to
(A) Census Survey
(B) Sample Survey
(C) Group Survey
(D) None of the above

40. The book “Learning – The Treasure Within” is authored by
(A) J.S. Rajput (B) N. Bennett (C) J. Delors (D) J. Halak

41. Operation Black-Board Programme was introduced to improve
(A) Teacher Education
(B) Primary Education
(C) Secondary Education
(D) Higher Education

42. An investigator conducted the factor analysis of tests to be used in research. It means, he was interested in
(A) Content validity
(B) Criterion validity
(C) Construct validity
(D) Predictive validity

43. Special Education Courses are controlled by
(A) Special Education Council of India
(B) Rehabilitation Council of India
(C) National Council of Teacher Education
(D) Medical Council of India

44. Students with Hearing Impairment require
(A) Auditory Training
(B) Language Training
(C) Speech Training
(D) All the above

45. The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to
(A) Rural talented students
(B) Urban students
(C) Girls students only
(D) Rural students

46. The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by

47. Aims of education are closely related to
(A) Metaphysics
(B) Axiology
(C) Logic
(D) Epistemology

48. The ceiling fixed by the Supreme Court for reservation for the socially and economically
     disadvantaged sections is
(A) 19% (B) 22% (C) 49% (D) 50%

49. The first Committee to be constituted after independence by the Government of
      India on Women’s Education was
(A) Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission
(B) The Mudaliar Commission
(C) The Shri Sri Prakasa Committee
(D) Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee

50. What type of Guidance Service is facilitated by the application of given battery of
     standardized objective type tests, on normal individuals ?
(A) Remedial and Preventive
(B) Preventive and Developmental
(C) Developmental and Remedial
(D) General Guidance and Counselling

51. What is the most essential requirement for providing Guidance Services in schools ?
(A) Guidance and Counselling Rooms
(B) Standardized Tests for Appraisal of Students
(C) Time
(D) Professionally qualified and adequately trained personnel

52. Equating through matched pairs is the method used in
(A) Survey Research
(B) Experimental Research
(C) Sociological Research
(D) Trend Research

53. Which of the following is a case of
Formative Evaluation of Curriculum ?
(A) Conducting an evaluation of the curriculum concerned before the course is completed.
(B) Evaluating the curriculum concerned, getting it appraised by students and teachers.
(C) Evaluating the curriculum concerned, in the middle of the course, collecting the 
      views of students, teachers and parents and providing feedback.
(D) Evaluating the curriculum concerned by teachers based on the performance of students.

54. The teacher teaches a straight line by placing several points in a particular direction is an example of
(A) Law of proximity
(B) Law of closure
(C) Law of common direction
(D) Law of simplicity

55. A baby sucking her thumb is an example of
(A) Regression (B) Aggression (C) Displacement (D) Withdrawal

56. A child who reads dog as god falls in which category of learning disability ?
(A) Dyslexia (B) Dysgraphia (C) Dyspraxia (D) Dysplasia

57. The two most important characteristics of a standardised test are
(A) objectivity and reliability
(B) reliability and validity
(C) reliability and usability
(D) practicability and usability

58. The qualitative judgments about a teaching media can take place through
(A) Measurement (B) Evaluation (C) Interpretation (D) Description

59. Which is the universal objective of education ?
(A) Liberation
(B) Total development
(C) Character
(D) Vocation

60. The main focus of educational supervision is
(A) Administration
(B) Decision making
(C) Educational services
(D) Discipline ensuring

61. Which one of the following variables is controlled in experimental research ?
(A) Independent variables
(B) Moderate variables
(C) Dependent variables
(D) Extraneous variables

62. One of the tools that can be used for in-depth data collection is
(A) Test
(B) Interview
(C) Rating Scale
(D) Observation

63. Deductive reasoning helps in
(A) Sample Selection
(B) Hypothesis Generation
(C) Problem Identification
(D) None of the above

64. Which of the following Committee recommended for improvement of Teacher Education Programme ?
(A) Reddy Committee
(B) Ramamurti Committee
(C) Yashpal Committtee
(D) Mehrotra Committee

65. The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide
(A) Education to all
(B) Education to all girls children
(C) Free and compulsory education to all children
(D) Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age

66. The rational equivalence type of reliability is determined by the method of :
(A) Test-retest
(B) Parallel Forms
(C) Split-half
(D) K-R Methods

67. Which of the following is not a correct matching ?
(A) Class roll numbers                             – Nominal Scale
(B) Relative position in a group                – Ordinal Scale
(C) Heights of cricket players                  – Interval Scale
(D) Weights of students                           – Ratio Scale

68. Learning Disability is related to
(A) Poor environment is a contributing factor to learning disability.
(B) Learning disabilities are related to mental retardation.
(C) Learning disability is related to emotional disturbance.
(D) Learning-disabled children have perceptual problems.

69. Teacher education is considered as a technical education in
(A) U.S.A. (B) U.K. (C) U.S.S.R. (D) India

70. In which year IGNOU was established ?
(A) 1964 (B) 1985 (C) 1992 (D) 2002

71. The pathway to liberation in Buddhism consists of
(A) two steps (B) four steps (C) six steps (D) eight steps

72. A modern Indian educationist who was very much naturalist is
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) J. Krishnamurti

73. Which of the following is not true ? Liberalisation of the economy has led to
(A) steeper stratification
(B) more open social structure
(C) greater mobility
(D) greater equalisation of educational opportunity

74. What is meant by Multiple Counselling ?
(A) Counselling by Professionals and Paraprofessionals
(B) Counselling given to two or a few individuals, or a small homogeneous group
(C) Counselling by Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Media
(D) Counselling given to Complex and Multiple Problems on the part of the client.

75. Match List – I with List – II with correct meaning :
            List – I                                              List – II
a. Constructivism                  i. Paradigm for technology based learning
b. Scaffolding                       ii. Real world is not like studying in school
c. Situated learning               iii. That allows the students to grow in independence as a learner
d. Anchored Instruction        iv. A view that emphasises the active role of the learner in
                                               building understanding and making sense of information
                                             v. Learner learns the cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive skills
Codes :
      a b c d
(A) iv ii iii v
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) i ii iii v




   This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are


1. A common feature of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism is belief about
(A) the unreality of the world
(B) the existence of God
(C) the soul
(D) karma and rebirth

2. ‘Epistemology’ means
(A) stem cell research
(B) study of the nature of knowledge
(C) study of the nature of values
(D) study of the nature of the world

3. In Indian Philosophy ‘pramana’ means
(A) oath
(B) measurement
(C) assurance
(D) source of knowledge

4. Which of the following is the source material about the Jain way of life ?
(A) Dhammapada
(B) Karma Kanda
(C) Tripitaka
(D) Tri-ratna

5. The Schools of Vedanta are
(A) Dharma, Artha and Moksa
(B) Advaita, Dwaita and Visishtadvaita
(C) Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
(D) the orthodox and the heterodox

6. A researcher is interested in studying the flood victims. Which one of the following
    is a suitable sample selection method ?
(A) Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Systematic Sampling
(D) Purposive Sampling

7. Match the Measurement Scales in List – I which can be used with appropriate Statistics in List – II :
          List – I                                      List – II
 a. Nominal Scales                      i. Geometric Mean                      
 b. Ordinal Scales                       ii. Frequency Distribution            
 c. Interval Scales                       iii. Median & Rank Correlation   
 d. Ratio Scales                          iv. Mean, SD & Correlations
Codes :
      a b c d
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) i iv iii ii

8. Which one of the following tests can be used to examine the differences in Mathematics
    achievement of boys and girls ?
(A) Correlational Test
(B) ‘t’ Test
(C) Chi-square Test
(D) Anova

9. There is a significant positive correlation between variables X and Y. This means that :
(A) X causes variation in Y.
(B) Y causes variation in X.
(C) X and Y vary together in opposite directions.
(D) X and Y vary together in the same direction.

10. “Education and Society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that
       one cannot thrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason ?
(A) Education sustains society, preserves culture, ushers in new one and inculcates values.
(B) Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance.
(C) Education makes people self employable/employable.
(D) Education modernises and makes society civilized.

11. ‘Alienation’ as a widespread social problem was first highlighted by
(A) Idealism
(B) Pragmatism
(C) Marxism
(D) Realism

12. What is the subject matter of Educational Sociology ?
I. Social Processes and Social Change
II. Social Behaviour and Social Control
III. Social Institutions and Social Problems
IV. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
Codes :
(A) I, II and III (B) IV, I and II (C) III, IV and I (D) II, III and IV

13. What was the purpose of introducing the noon-meal scheme in primary schools ?
(A) To keep primary teachers engaged.
(B) To increase enrolment in primary schools.
(C) To provide employment to cooks.
(D) To provide one square meal to children every day.

14. What does the term ‘Socialization” refer to ?
(A) Participating in social service activities.
(B) Process of interaction among members of the society and transmitting values.
(C) Instructions given to people through mass media to keep society free from corruption.
(D) Advising people to bring up their children as socially responsible beings.

15. ‘Hinayana’ is the name of which School of Buddhism ?
(A) Theravada (B) Vajrayana (C) Tantric (D) Esoteric

16. ‘Coherence’ is the criterion of truth is
(A) Existentialism (B) Idealism (C) Marxism (D) Naturalism

17. ‘Metaphysics’ means
(A) a branch of Physics
(B) exploring the nature of ultimate reality
(C) Physics of metals
(D) Physics of weather

18. The two basic divisions in Schools of Indian Philosophy are
(A) Vedanta and Buddhism
(B) Advaita and Dwaita
(C) Theistic and Atheistic
(D) Orthodox and Heterodox

19. The ultimate goal of education in Jainism is
(A) Non-violence (B) Renunciation (C) Liberation (D) Philanthropy

20. The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called
(A) Vidyarambam
(B) Upanayanam
(C) Pabajja
(D) Uparampada

21. Researcher intends to ascertain the attitude of adolescents towards modernization,
      which one of the  following tools is an appropriate one ?
(A) Projective Technique
(B) Interview
(C) Likert Scale
(D) Sociometry

22. Which of the following is incorrect
as a measure of dispersion ?
(A) Quartile Deviation
(B) Range
(C) Standard Deviation
(D) Sampling Error

23. A researcher prepared a report based on the interviews of 25 people.
      Under which category, this research can be placed ?
(A) Quantitative (B) Qualitative (C) Historical (D) Scientific

24. The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the
       following article of our Constitution
(A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 45 (D) 55

25. Which of the following are essentially required on the part of the teacher for
      developing intercultural understanding in children ?
I. Possession of knowledge of various cultures and subcultures.
II. Being progressive and openminded
III. Being pious and religious
IV. Classroom communication skills
Choose the correct answers from the given options.
Codes :
(A) I and II (B) II and III (C) III and IV (D) IV and I

26. What is the striking contrast between “acclimatization” and “naturalization” ?
I. Acclimatization is adjusting to the external environment.
II. Acclimatization is changing the room temperature and air circulation using appliances.
III. Naturalization is change of attitude as required by the new context.
IV. Acclimatization is external and Naturalization is internal.
Choose the correct answers from the given options.
Codes :
(A) I, II and III (B) II, III and IV (C) III, IV andü I (D) IV, I andü II

27. Introspection method lacks in
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Objectivity
(D) All the above three

28. Which of the following thinkers said ‘Literacy itself is not education, literacy is only
      a means to education’ ?
(A) J. Krishnamurti
(B) Swami Vivekananda
(C) Sri Aurobindo
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

29. Which teaching method was evolved by Naturalism ?
(A) Heuristic Method
(B) Playway Method
(C) Scientific Method
(D) Project Method

30. Choose the correct or the best answer among the following : ‘Philosophy’ means
(A) Consoling oneself while facing disappointments in life.
(B) A form of religion.
(C) Attempt to find answer to fundamental and ultimate questions. 
(D) Sophisticated arguments.

31. The most ascetic School of Indian Philosophy is
(A) Buddhism (B) Jainism (C) Vedanta (D) Sankhya

32. The number of Savants [Thirthankaras] in the Jain tradition is
(A) 10 (B) infinite (C) 24 (D) 100

33. ‘Vinaya Pitaka’ deals with
(A) rules of conduct for the Buddhist Samga
(B) rules for polite behaviour for Jain monks
(C) rules for polite behaviour for Hindu Sannyasins
(D) Emperor Ashoka’s Edicts

34. Which one of the following is the stable measure of dispersion ?
(A) Range
(B) Quartile Deviation
(C) Average Deviation
(D) Standard Deviation

35. The method of drawing conclusions based on the observation of each and every
      instance of a population is called
(A) Scientific Method
(B) Deductive Method
(C) Inductive Method
(D) Dialectic Method

36. Positivistic research approach was advocated by
(A) Francis Bacon
(B) Stanley & Compbell
(C) Auguste Comte
(D) Babbit

37. Something written in a holy book is held to be true by readers. This method of
      acquiring knowledge is termed as the method of
(A) Tenacity (B) Authority (C) Intuition (D) Science

38. A class teacher administered Thematic Apperception Test to a group of students to assess their
(A) Achievement
(B) Awareness
(C) Personality
(D) Attitude

39. A class teacher asked all his students to take a test only as and when each
     one of them mastered the theory of Gravitation. This is an example of
(A) Norm Referenced Test
(B) Feasibility Test
(C) Summative Test
(D) Criterion Referenced Test

40. When a non-directional hypothesis is stated, the test of significance would be
(A) One tailed
(B) Two tailed
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

41. The critical difference between naturalism and pragmatism is in the importance accorded to
(A) aims (B) methods (C) social context (D) evaluation

42. What are the checks and balances available in society for regulating social behaviour of people ?
I. Mores, Folkways and Institutions
II. Enacted Laws and Punishments
III. Meditation and Prayer
IV. Reading religious books

Choose the correct answers from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) I and II (B) II and III (C) III and IV (D) IV and I

43. What is meant by ‘Culture’ ?
(A) Complex whole of what man has achieved as being a member of the society.
(B) Sophistication in dress, food, etc.
(C) Civilization marked by the use of modern electric home appliances
(D) Using of computers, mobile phones, internet, etc.

44. What is the objective of the Integrated Child Development Services ?
I. Improving nutrition and health status of children upto 6 years.
II. Reducing child mortality rate in the country.
III. Providing quality primary education to children.
IV. Providing healthcare centres to take care of children’s health.
Choose the correct answers from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) I and II (B) II and III (C) III and IV (D) IV and I

Read the passage and answer from
question Nos. 45 to 50 :
“Everyday, day after day, we see men and animals dying. But each manthinks he is going to live on forever. What can be more surprising than this ?” So goes a passage in the Mahabharata. All religions are attempts to help man come to terms with death. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘so long as death is there religion will be there’. However, it is common knowledge that very pious people are as much afraid of death as the no so pious. Gal Bellow, a Nobel Laureate in literature said, “The tragedy of civilization consists in the refusal of the doomed creature to die.” Jostling for space in the annals of history is an attempt to grapple with mortality. However, Norman O. Brown in his scholarly treatise, ‘Life against Death : A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of History’ concludes that the survival of mankind into the future urgently requires that we cultivate in every oncoming generation a consciousness that is willing and ready to die.This is squarely a challenge fore ducational research. We must develop acurriculum that will enable every individual follow the ebb and flow of the clan vital in the parabola of the life cycle, savour the joys of sex in the waxing phase of the parabola and mellow with it in the waning phase.

45. According to the Mahabharata what is most surprising ?
(A) People dying
(B) Animals dying
(C) Animals and people living
(D) Failure to accept death is inevitable for everyone

46. Which of the following statements is NOT true ?
(A) Religions attempt to help us accept death.
(B) Religions attempt to help us to live properly and die properly.
(C) Religions succeed in helping everyone of their followers to accept death when the time comes.
(D) Death is there only because of religion.

47. The tragedy of civilization consists in
(A) death
(B) facilitates that increase life expectancy
(C) increase in population
(D) desire of human beings to live on forever

48. “Jostling for space in the annals of history” means
(A) struggling for lasting frame
(B) writing history books
(C) trying to get into spacecrafts
(D) trying to become a wrestler

49. What do you think Norman O. Brown’s book is about ?
(A) Life
(B) Death
(C) History
(D) Struggle between life and death

50. The essential message of this passage is best expressed as
(A) Celebration of living
(B) Celebration of dying
(C) Parabola of the life cycle
(D) Learning-to-Be and Not-to-Be

Sunday, 16 February 2014




 Weightage to various units (chapters)

Unit Mark
1. Electrostatics 25
2. Current electricity 20
3. Effects of electric current 20
4. Electromagnetic induction and alternating current 25
5. Electromagnetic waves and wave optics 25
6. Atomic physics 25
7. Dual nature of radiation and matter – Relativity 15
8. Nuclear physics 25
9. Semiconductor devices and their applications 30
10. Communication Systems 20
Total Mark (including choice) 230
                                                              PART - IV          MARKS 40

  1.  State Gauss'  law. Applying this, calculate electric field due to (i) an infinitely long straight charge with uniform charge density (ii) an infinite plane sheet of charge q.

  2. State the principle and explain the construction and working of Van de Graaff generator. 

  3. Prove that the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor is  q2/2c 

  4. Derive an expression for electric field due to an electric dipole (a) at a point on its axial line (b) at a point along the equatorial line 

  5. Explain Joule's calorimeter experiment to verify Joule's law of heating.

  6. Explain in detail the principle, construction and theory of a tangent galvanometer  

  7. Deduce an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.

  8. Obtain an expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor   carrying current. 

  9. Describe the principle, construction and working of three-phase a.c. generator.

10. State Lenz's law and illustrate through an experiment. Explain how it is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

11. Explain the principle of transformer, Discuss its construction and working. 

12.Applying Biot- Savart law, obtain an expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to infinitely long straight conductor carrying current.

13. Describe the principle, construction and working of a single – phase a.c generator

14.A source of altemating emf is connected to a series combination of a resistor R an inductor L and a capacitor C. Obtain with the help of a vector diagram and impedance diagram, an expression for
(i) the effective voltage (ii) the impedance (iii) the phase relationship between the current and the voltage 

15.  Explain Raman scattering of light with the help of energy level diagram.

16. What is Raman effect? Explain Raman spectrum with diagram.

17. on the basis of wave theory, explain total internal reflection.

18. Give the source and use of electromagnetic waves

19. on the basis of wave theory, explain toral internal reflection. write the conditions for the total internal reflection.

20. Obtain the expression of the radius of nth orbit of an electron based on bohr's theory.

21. How will you determine the wavelength of X-rays using Bragg sprectometre? write any five properties of X- rays

22. State Bohr's postulates. Obtain an expression for the radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom. 

23. What are cosmic rays? Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. 

24. What is a nuclear reactor? Explain the functions of  moderator, control rods and  nuclear reflecotr. Mention the uses of nuclear reactor.

25. What is rectification? Explain the working of a bridge rectifier with necessary waveforms. 

26. Sketch the circuit of a Colpitts oscillator and explain its working. 

27. With the help of block diagram, explain the function of monochrome TV receiver.

28. Explain the construction and working of a Geiger-Muller counter.

                                  PART III  (5- Marks)


  1. State and prove de Morgan's theorems.  

  2. Write a note on pile of plates  

  3. Explain the spectral series of hydrogen atom without diagram.

  4. Obtain Einstein's photoelectric equation.

  5. Explain FitzGerald-Lorentx contraction with an example 

  6. Define mobility. Establish a relation between drift velocity and current  

  7. Obtain the condition for bridge balance in Wheatstone bridge. 

  8. State and verify Faraday's second law of electrolysis. 

  9. State and Prove Brewster law.

10. Mention any five Properties of X-rays 

11. Explain time-dilation with an example 

12. What are the reason for various energy loses in a transformer? Explain how thy can be minimized.

13. Explain space wave propagation of  radio waves. 

14. Write any five applications of photoelectric cells.

15. Write the properties of lines of forces.

16. Derive an expression for de Brogelie wavelength of matter waves. 

17. How will you compare the e.m.f.s of two cells using a potentiometer?

18. Explain how a cosmic ray shower is formed  




Friday, 14 February 2014

HSC +2 - Accountancy Model Question Paper - 2014


                                                        PART – A
I.                   FILL IN THE BLANKS:
1.     Closing stock is valued at Cost Price or ________ price whichever is lower.  
2              Interest on capital is debited in ________ account
      3       Provision for discount on creditors is deducted from ________in
      4       Debts which are not recoverable from Sundry debtors are termed
               as ________. the Balance sheet.
      5       Income accrued but not received will be shown on the ________
               side of the Balance sheet  
6             A statement of affairs resembles a ________.
7              In ________ system, only personal and cash accounts are opened
     8.      A firm has assets worth Rs.60,000 and capital Rs.45,000. Then
          it’s liabilities is ________. 
     9.       ________ method of depreciation is suitable for special type of
          asset like Loose tools 
10.          _______ method of depreciation is used in the case of Lease.
     11.     The estimated sale value of the asset at the end of it’s economic
          life is called as ________ value.   
  1.     Liquid ratio is otherwise known as _______.
  2.     100% – Operating profit ratio is equal to _______ ratio.
     14.     Gross profit can be ascertained by deducting cost of goods sold
          from _______.
15.     Bank overdraft is an example of _______ liability.
     16.      _______ ratio is modified form of liquid ratio.
17.     Liquid liabilities means current liabilities less _______.
18.     Goodwill is an _______ asset.
19.     Indian Partnership Act was enacted in the year ________.
     20.     Under __________ capital arrangement, current accounts will
          not be maintained
     21.    Money lent to the business by a partner is credited to his ________
         account and not his capital account.
22.       The capital accounts of partners may be ________ or fluctuating.
     23.    The balance of revaluation account shows __________ on
     24.   At the time of admission, when goodwill is raised, the old partners
        capital account will be credited in the _______ ratio
     25.   The balance of revaluation account shows __________ on
26.      When the value of an asset increases, it results in _______.
     27.   When an unrecorded liabilities is brought into books, it results in
    28.   At the time of retirement, the revaluation profits of business will
       be shared by _______ partners.
    29.  The accumulated reserves will be transferred to the old partners
      Capital account in the _______ ratio at the time of his retirement
    30.  The amount due to the retiring partner is either ______ or is paid
      in ______.
    31.  At the time of retirement, the profit on revaluation of assets and
           liabilities will be transferred to the _______ side of the capital
           accounts of all the partners
    32.  Sacrificing ratio is the ratio in which the old partners (existing)
           have agreed to sacrifice their _______ in favour of _______.
    33.   __________ is considered as the official signature of the company.
    34.  The management of a company is done by __________.
    35.  The liability of share holders are __________ in a company.
    36.  Minimum subscription that should be received by the company is
           ______% of the issued capital
    37. Capital Reserve represents __________ profit
    38.  Securities premium is shown in the __________ side of the Balance
II. Choose the correct answer:
    39. Rent outstanding is
          a) a liability b) an asset c) an income 
    40. Interest on capital is added to
          a) Expense A/c b) Income A/c c) Capital A/c
    41. Interest on drawings is deducted from
          a) Income A/c b) Capital A/c c) Expense A/c
    42. All the items given in the adjustment will appear at _________ in
          the Final accounts.
a)      Three places b) Two places c) One Place   
    43. Credit sales is obtained from
          a) Bills Receivable account b) Total debtors account c) Total creditors account
    44. The capital of a business is ascertained by preparing
          a) Trading account b) Statement of profit or loss c) Statement of affairs 
    45. The term depletion is used for
          a) Intangible assets b) Fixed assets c) Natural resources.
    46. Profit made on sale of fixed asset is debited to
          a) Profit and Loss account b) Fixed Asset account c) Depreciation account
    47. Total amount of depreciation provided on the written down value
           method at the rate of 10% p.a. on Rs.10,000 for first three years
           will be
a)      Rs. 2,107 b) Rs. 2,710 c) Rs. 2,701
    48.  Loss on sale of fixed asset appear on the
           a) credit side of Depreciation account
           b) debit side of fixed asset account
           c) credit side of fixed asset account
    49.  All profitability ratios are expressed in terms of
           a) Proportion b) Times c) Percentage  
   50.  Shareholders funds includes
          a) Equity share capital, Preference share capital, Reserves &Surplus
          b) Loans from banks and financial institutions
          c) Equity share capital, Preference share capital, Reserves &
          Surplus and Loans from banks and financial institutions
   51. Opening stock is equal to Rs.10,000, Purchase Rs.2,00,000 and
         closing stock is Rs.5,000. Cost of goods sold is equal to
a)      Rs. 2,15,000 b)Rs. 2,10,000 c) Rs. 2,05,000
   52. Total sales of a business concern are Rs.8, 75,000. If cash sales is
         Rs.3, 75,000, and then credit sales will be
a)      Rs.12,50,000 b) Rs.5,00,000 c) 12,00,000
   53. Current assets of a business concern is Rs.60,000 and current
         Liabilities are Rs.30, 000.Current ratio will be
a)      1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 c) 2 : 1
   54. Cash budget deals with
         a) Estimated cash receipts b) Estimated cash payments
         c) Estimated cash receipts & estimated cash payments
   55. The opening balance of cash in January is Rs.9, 000. The estimated
          Receipts are Rs.14, 000 and the estimated payments are Rs.10,000.
         The opening balance of cash in February will be
a)      Rs. 21,000 b) Rs. 11,000 c) Rs. 13,000.
   56. In a partnership, partners share their profits and losses in _______ratio
         a) their capital
         b) equal
         c) agreed
   57. Current accounts for partners will be opened under
         a) Fixed capital method
         b) Fluctuating capital method
         c) Either fixed capital method or fluctuating capital method
   58.  X and Y are partners sharing the profits and losses in the ratio of
          2:3 with capitals of Rs.1, 20,000 and Rs.60,000 respectively.
          Profits for the year are Rs.9, 000. If the partnership deed is silent
          as to interest on capital. Show how profit is shared among X and Y.
          a) Profit: X - Rs. 6,000; Y - Rs.3, 000
          b) Profit: X - Rs. 3,600; Y - Rs.5, 400
          c) Profit: X - Rs. 3,000; Y - Rs.6, 000
    59. Under fixed capital method salary payable to a partner is
       a) In Current Account
       b) In Capital Account
       c) Either in Current Account or Capital Account.
  60. When A and B sharing profits and losses in the ration 3:2, admit C
        as a partner giving him 1/5 share of profits. This will be given by A
        and B.
        a) Equally
        b) in their capitals ratio
        c) in their profit sharing ratio
  61. On admission of a new partner, increase in value of assets is
        debited to
        a) Asset account
        b) Proit & Loss adjustment account
        c) Old partners capital account.
  62. On admission of a new partner balance of General Reserve
        Account should be transferred to the capital account of
        a) all partners in their new profit sharing ratio
        b) old partners in their old profit sharing ratio
        c) old partners in their new profit sharing ratio
  63. ________ ratio is computed at the time of admission of a new
        a) Gaining ratio
        b) Capital ratio
        c) Sacrificing ratio. 
  64. The public issue must be kept open for at least
         a) 3 days b) 5 days c) 7 days
  65. When more number of applications are received than that are
        offered to the public, it is called ____________.
        a) Over subscription b) Under subscription
        c) Full subscription
  66. According to Table A, interest charged on calls in advance is
a)      4% b) 5% c) 6%
 67. Normally companies can issue shares at ________% of discount
       a) 5 b) 10 c) 20
 68. The balance of forfeited share account is________ in the BalanceSheet.
       a) added to paid up capital b) added to authorised capital
       c) deducted from paid up capital
 69. Capital Reserve is shown on the ________ side of Balance Sheet.
       a) Asset b) Liability c) Both
 70. The public issue must be kept open for atleast
       a) 3 days b) 5 days c) 7 days
                                           PART – B
                                         FIVE MARK
1.      What is forfeiture of shares?
2.      What is prorata allotment? 
3.      What is gaining ratio?
4.      What is Sacrifice Ratio?
5.      What is Revaluation Method of Goodwill?
6.      What is Average profit?
7.      What is Super profit?
8.      What is bad debt?
9.      What is adjusting entry?
10.  What is accrued income? 
11.  What is net worth method?.
12.  What is statement of affairs?
13.  What is Annuity method of depreciation?
14.  What is residual value?
15.  What is obsolesence?
16.  Write notes on ‘Effluxion of time’.
17.  What is Annuity method of depreciation?
18.  Explain current ratio.
19.  What are profitability ratios?
20.  What are profitability ratios?
21.  Explain solvency ratios
22.  Define Budget
23.  Write notes on Cash budget
  24. The Trial Balance (31.3.04) shows the following:
                                                                       Dr.                Cr.
        Bank loan @ 10% (1.4.03) ----           ------              Rs. 10, 00,000
        Interest paid                                     Rs   60,000
        Provide interest outstanding. Pass adjusting entry and show how
      this item will appear in the Final accounts.
  25. How will the following adjustment appear in the Balance sheet ason 31.3.2000.
        Sundry debtors R 21,000
        Bad debts to be written off Rs. 1,000
        Adjustment: Provide @ 5% provision for Bad and Doubtful debts
      and @2% Provision for discount on Debtors
  26. The Trial Balance shows on 31.3.2002, Sundry debtors
        1. Bad debts to be written off Rs.5,000.
        2. Provide @ 5% Provision for bad and doubtful debts and
        3. Provide @ 2% Provision for discount on debtors.
        Pass entries and show how these items will appear in the Final
 27. The Trial Balance shows the followings
     Capital as on 31.3.03 – Rs.6, 00,000
       Drawing as on 31.3.03 – Rs.50,000
 Charge interest on drawings @ 5%. Pass adjusting and transfer entry. Show how               this item will appear in the Final accounts.
28. The Trial Balance as on 31st March 2003 show Sundry debtors
       Rs.60, 000. Write off bad debts Rs.4, 000. Pass adjusting and
      Transfer entry. Show how this item will appear in the Final accounts.
29. Calculate the missing information from the following.
Profit made during the year                                                4,800
Capital at the end                                                                   ?
Additional Capital introduced during the year                      4,000
Drawings                                                                           2,400
Capital in the beginning                                                      9,600
30. Find out the profit of the business for the year 1996 from the
      Particulars given below:
Capital on 1.4.1996                                                           30,000
Capital introduced during 1996                                            6,000
Capital as on 31.3.1997                                                    42,000
Drawings                                                                             3,000
31. Calculate the missing figure:
Capital at the beginning                                                   15,000
Profits made during the year                                             8,000
Capital at the end                                                           20,000
 Drawings                                                                             ?
32. Calculate Closing Sundry debtors :
Opening Sundry debtors                                                2, 00,000
Credit Sales                                                                  7, 00,000
Cash received from Sundry debtors                               3, 00,000
Returns inward                                                                   5,000
33. From the following details, calculate credit sales made during the
     Year 2004.
Sundry Debtors (1.4.2004)                                             87,125
Sundry Debtors (31.3.2005)                                           76,500
Cash received from Sundry debtors                             2, 46,000
Sales return                                                                     18,500
Discount allowed                                                             9,000
34. A company purchased Machinery for Rs.1, 00,000. Its installation
     Costs amounted to Rs.10, 000. Its estimated life is 5 years and the
    Scrap value is Rs.5, 000. Calculate the amount and rate of depreciation
35. Robert & Co. purchased Machinery on 1st April 2002 for
      Rs.75, 000. After having used it for three years it was sold for Rs.35, 000.
      Depreciation is to be provided every year at the rate of 10% per annum
      On Diminishing balance method. Accounts are closed on 31st March
      Every year. Find out the profit or loss on sale of machinery.
36. From the following particulars, find out the rate of depreciation,
      Under Straight Line Method.
      Cost of Fixed Asset Rs. 50,000
      Residual Value Rs. 5,000
      Estimated Life 10 years
37. Find out the rate of depreciation under straight line method:
      Cost of the plant Rs. 2,30,000
      Installation charges Rs. 20,000
      Expected life in years 10 years
      Scrap value Rs. 50,000
38. A company purchased a Machinery for Rs.12,000. It’s useful life
      is 10 years and the scrap value is Rs.1,200. Determine the rate of
      depreciation under the Straight Line Method.
39. From the following compute current ratio:
                                        Rs.                                                      Rs.
Stock                            36,500         Prepaid expenses           1,000
Sundry Debtors            63,500         Bank overdraft              20,000
Cash in hand & bank   10,000         Sundry creditors            25,000
Bills receivable              9,000         Bills payable                  16,000
Short term investments 30,000       outstanding expenses       14,000
40.  From the following particulars ascertain gross profit ratio
                       Rs                                                  . Rs.
Cash sales   40,000                         Sales return 5,000
Credit sales 65,000                       Gross profit 40,000
41. Calculate net profit ratio from the following:
Net Profit                    60,000
Sales                         3, 00,000
42. From the following details, calculate the operating ratio.
Cost of goods sold                          6, 00,000
Operating expenses                             40,000
Sales                                              8, 20,000
Sales returns                                       20,000
43. Calculate stock turnover ratio from the following:
Cost of goods sold                                     6, 75,000
Stock at the beginning of the year               1, 00,000
Stock at the end of the year                       1, 25,000
44. From the following, calculate Debt-Equity Ratio.
                                          Rs.                                                             Rs.
Equity shares               1,00,000                        General reserves    75,000
Debentures                     75,000                        Sundry creditors    40,000
Outstanding expenses    10,000
45. From the following figures calculate creditor’s turnover ratio
Credit purchases                  1, 80,000
Bills payable                            50,000
Creditors                                 40,000
46. Calculate liquid ratio
Current assets                          20,000
Stock                                         3,000
Prepaid expenses                       1,000
Current liabilities                         8,000
47. From the following, Calculate Gross Profit Ratio
Gross Profit                  50,000
Sales                         5, 50,000
Sales Return                 50,000
48. Calculate Gross Profit ratio
Sales                                  6,50,000
Cost of Goods sold            4,80,000
Sales Return                          50,000
49. Calculate Net Profit Ratio
Net Profit                     4,000
Sales                           44,000
Sales Return                 4,000
50. Calculate Operating profit ratio
                                    Rs.                                                                      Rs.
Gross profit            1,00,000                          Operating expenses     40,000
Sales                        6,02,000                          Sales return                  2,000
51. Calculate Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
Fixed asset                        1,00,000
Depreciation                         25,000
Sales                                  3,00,000
52. Calculate Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
Fixed Assets                      1,50,000
Sales                                  4,50,000
53. Compute Debtors turnover ratio
Total Sales                           7,50,000
Sales Return                           50,000
Opening Debtors                 1,17,000
Closing Debtors                      83,000
54. From the following, determine Debtors Turnover ratio
                                     Rs.                                                     Rs.
Total Sales             1,75,000               Cash Sales               35,000
Sales Return              10,000               Opening Debtors       8,000
Closing Debtors        12,000
55. Ravi and Raghu started business on April 1, 2003 with capitals of
      Rs.90,000 and Rs.70,000 respectively. Ravi introduced Rs.10,000 as
      additional capital on July 1, 2003. Interest on capital is to be allowed
     @ 10%. Calculate the interest payable to Ravi and Raghu for the year
      ending March 31,2004
56. X and Y are partners in a firm, sharing profits and losses equally.
      X is entitled to a salary of Rs.5,000 p.m. Y is entitled to a commission
      of 10% of Net profit after charging such commission. Net profit before
      charging commission and salary was Rs.1,48,000. Show the Profit and
      loss appropriation account
57. The Goodwill is to be valued at two years’ purchase of last four
      years average profit. The profits were Rs.40,000, Rs.32,000,
      Rs.15,000 and Rs.13,000 respectively. Find out the value of goodwill
58. Three years’ purchase of the last four years average profits is agreed
      as the value of goodwill. The profits and losses for the last four years
      are: I year Rs.50,000, II year Rs.80,000; III year Rs.30,000(Loss);
      IV year Rs.60,000.
      Calculate the amount of goodwill.
59. Pasupathi and Valayapathi are partners. Pasupathi draws Rs.900
      regularly in the middle of each month during the year 2004.
      Valayapathi draws Rs.5,400 at the end of each half year. Calculate
       interest on their drawings at 5% p.a.
60. X and Y had capitals of Rs.80,000 and Rs.40,000 respectively
      on 1.1.2000. X introduced additional capital of Rs.10,000, on
      30.6.2000. Y withdrew Rs.5,000 from his capital on 1.10.2000.
      Calculate interest on capital at 5% for the year 2000.
61. Goodwill is to be valued at three years purchase of five year’s
      average profits. The profits for the last five years of the firm were:
      2000 - Rs. 4,200; 2001 - Rs. 4,500; 2002 - Rs. 4,700;
      2003 - Rs. 4,600 and 2004 - Rs. 5,000.
62. Goodwill is to be valued at three years purchase of four years
       average profits. The profits for the last four years of the firm were:
       2001 - Rs. 12,000; 2002 - Rs. 18,000; 2003 - Rs. 16,000;
       2004 - Rs. 14,000.
      Calculate the amount of goodwill.
63. Calculate the amount of goodwill on the basis of two years’
       purchase of the last four years’ average profits. The profits of the
       last four years are
       1996   Profit      Rs. 20,000
       1997   Profit      Rs. 30,000
       1998   Loss        Rs. 6,000
       1999   Profit      Rs. 16,000
64. Anandan and Balaraman are partners in a firm with capitals of
      Rs.70,000 and Rs.50,000 respectively. They decided to admit Chandran
      into the firm with a capital of Rs.40,000. Give journal entry for Capital
      brought in by Chandran.
65. A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. They
      admit C for 1/5th share as new partner. Calculate new profit sharing
      ratio and sacrificing ratio of old partners
66. G and H are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. They
       admit I for 1/5th share which he acquires entirely from G. Calculate a)
       new ratio and b) Sacrificing ratio.
67. Anandan and Baskaran were partners in a firm sharing profit and
      loss in the ratio of 3:2. They admit Chandran into the partnership
      to 1/3rd share, the old partners sacrificing equally. Calculate the
      new profit - ratio and the sacrificing ratio.
68. Ramesh and Suresh are sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3. Mahesh
      joins and the new ratio among Ramesh, Suresh and Mahesh is
      7:4:3. Find out the sacrificing ratio.
69. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio
      of 6:4. C is admitted as a new partner. A surrenders 1/5th share of
      his profit in favour of C and B surrenders 2/5th of his share in
      favour of C. Calculate New Profit Sharing Ratio.
70. Amala and Vimala were partners of a firm sharing profit and losses
      in the ratio of 5:3. On 1.4.2004, the firm’s book showed a reserve
      fund of Rs.48,000. On the above date they decided to admit
      Komala into the partnership. Pass entry.
71. A,B and C sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2. C retires. Find out
      the new profit sharing ratio and gaining ratio.
72. X,Y and Z are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. Z
      retires and the ratio between X and Y is 3 : 2. Find out the gaining ratio
73. Bhanumathi, Bharathi and Shanthi are partners sharing. profits in
     the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. On April 1, 2005 Shanthi decided to retire. On
     that date, there was a credit balance of Rs.60,000 in their profit and
     loss account. Pass entry.
74. Thangamuthu, Anaimuthu and Vairamuthu are partners sharing
      profit and loss in the ratio of 3:3:2. Thangamuthu wanted to retire on
      1st June 2005, the firms books showed a general reserve of Rs.40,000.
      Pass entry.
75. Mani, Nagappan and Ulaganathan are partners sharing profits in
      the ratio of 4:3:3. Ulaganathan retires and his share is taken up by
      Mani and Nagappan in the ratio of 3:2. Calculate the new ratio.
76. Roja, Meena and Shobana are partners sharing profits in the ratio
      of 5:4:3. Roja retires and her share is taken up entirely by Meena.
      Calculate the new ratio.
77. X, Y and Z were sharing profits and losses in the proportion of
      1/2 , 1/5 and 3/10 respectively. Y retires. Calculate the new ratio
       of X and Z.
78. A, B and C were partners of a firm sharing profit and losses in the
      ratio of 5:3:2. Goodwill account stood in their books at Rs.36,000.
     ‘C’ wanted to retire and in view of that the partners decided to
      update the value of goodwill to Rs.50,000. Pass entry.
79. Nanda Ltd. issued 10000 shares of Rs.10 each to the public at
      discount of 10% payable as follows:
      on application          Rs.2.50;
      on allotment             Rs.3.00;
      on first & final call   Rs.3.50.
      All money due were received except from one shareholder
      Mr.Udhay, to whom 100 shares are allotted failed to pay the final call
      money. The directors forfeited shares after giving due notice. Pass
      journal entry for forfeiture. 
80. Vinod Company Ltd. issued 40,000 Preference shares of Rs.10
      each at premium of Rs.3. Give journal entry.
81. Sridhar Ltd., issued 20,000 shares of Rs.100 each at discount of
      10%. Give journal entry.
                                             PART – C
                                           (12 MARKS)
1. Pass necessary adjustment entries for the following adjustments:
   1. Salaries outstanding Rs.20,000
   2. Prepaid Insurance Rs.400
   3. Interest accrued on investments Rs.1000
   4. Commission received in advance Rs.2,000
   5. To provide 10% interest on capital of Rs.5,00,000
   6. Closing Stock Rs.4,00,000
2. The following items are found in the Trial Balance of
    Mr.Vivekanandan as on 31st March 2004.
    Sundry debtors Rs. 64,000
    Bad debts Rs. 1,200
    Provision for Bad & doubtful
    debts Rs. 2,800
    Provide for bad & doubtful debts at 5% on Sundry debtors.
    Give necessary entries and show how these items will appear in
    the final accounts.
3. Following are the balances extracted from the Trial Balance of
Mr.Mohan as on 31st March, 2002.
                 Trial Balance as on 31st March, 2002
                                                        Debit        Credit
                                                          Rs.              Rs.
Sundry debtors                              60,000
Bad debts                                       5,000
Provision for bad & doubtful debts                    10,000
Create provision for bad & doubtful debts @ 5% on Sundry
Pass adjusting entry and show how these items will appear in the final accounts.
4. The following balances have been extracted from the trial balance
    of Mr.Ashok as on 31.3.2002.
         Trial Balance of Mr.Ashok as on 31st March, 2002 
                                                               Debit                   Credit
                                                                  Rs.                       Rs.
Debtors                                                  2,01,200
Bad debts                                                    9,400
Provision for bad & doubtful debts                                      24,000
Provision for Discount on debtors                                          1,200
Discount allowed                                      18,600
1. Write off additional bad debts Rs.4,800
2. Create Provision of 10% for bad & doubtful debts on debtors.
3. Create Provision of 2% for discount on debtors.
Show how these items will appear in the Profit and Loss Account
And Balance Sheet.
5.  Pass necessary adjusting entries for the following adjustments:
     a) Interest on drawings Rs. 10,000.
     b) Interest on loan outstanding Rs.5, 000.
     c) Depreciation at 5% on furniture Rs.50, 000.
     d) Write off bad and doubtful debts Rs.3, 000.
     e) Provide provision for bad and doubtful debts at 5% on
         Sundry debtors Rs.4, 00,000.
     f) Provide provision for discount on creditors at 2% on Sundry
         Creditors Rs. 3, 50,000.
6.  How will the following adjustment appear in the Balance sheet As on 31.3.2000.
      Sundry debtors                         Rs 21,000
      Bad debts to be written off       Rs. 1,000
     Adjustment: Provide @ 5% provision for Bad and Doubtful debts
     And @2% Provision for discount on Debtor
7.  The Trial Balance shows on 31.3.2002, Sundry debtors
     Rs .1, 25,000.
        1. Bad debts to be written off Rs.5,000.
        2. Provide @ 5% Provision for bad and doubtful debts and
        3. Provide @ 2% Provision for discount on debtors.
     Pass entries and show how these items will appear in the Final
8.  Mrs. Vanitha keeps her books on singly entry basis. Find out the
     profit or loss made for the period ending 31.3.2004.
    Assets & Liabilities                        1.4.2003                     31.3.2004
                                                                  Rs.                            Rs.
    Bank Balance                                    3,500 (Cr.)                 4,500 (Dr.)
    Cash on hand                                         200                           300
    Stock                                                   3,000                        4,000
    Sundry Debtors                                   8,500                        7,600
    Plant                                                  20,000                      20,000
    Furniture                                            10,000                      10,000
    Sundry Creditors                                15,000                      18,000
   Mrs.Vanitha had withdrawn Rs.10,000 for her personal use and
   had introduced fresh capital of Rs.4,000. A provision of 5% on
   debtors is necessary. Write off depreciation on plant at 10% and furniture at 15%.
9.  From the following particulars, calculate closing balances Debtors
     And Creditors:
Sundry Debtors as on 1.4.2001                        28,680
Sundry Creditors as on 1.4.2001                      41,810
Credit purchases                                            1, 51,400
Credit sales                                                    1, 65,900
Discount earned                                                   5,200
Discount allowed                                                 4,800
Return outwards                                                  7,440
Return inwards                                                    6,444
Cash received from debtors                            1, 50,536
Cash paid to creditors                                     1, 43,765
10. Find out total purchases and total sales from the following details
      by making necessary accounts:
Opening balance of Sundry debtors                               50,000
Opening balance of Sundry creditors                             30,000
Cash collected from Sundry debtors                          3, 00,000
Discount received                                                           1,500
Cash Paid to Sundry creditors                                        20,000
Discount allowed                                                             5,000
Return inwards                                                                6,000
Return outwards                                                              8,000
Closing balance of Sundry debtors                                 35,000
Closing balance of Sundry creditors                               25,000
Cash Purchases                                                            12,000
Cash Sales                                                                   24,000
11.  Mrs. Sheela keeps her books by single entry. She started business
      On 1st April 2002 with Rs. 3,00,000. On 31st March 2003 her
      Position was as under:
      Cash in hand                                                           8,000
      Sundry Creditors                                                   50,000
      Cash at Bank                                                         20,000
      Bills payable                                                          10,000
      Furniture                                                                40,000
      Outstanding expenses                                              8,000
      Plant                                                                   2,00,000
      Sundry Debtors                                                   1,50,000
      Stock                                                                  1,50,000
      Bills Receivable                                                        15,000
Ascertain the profit or loss made by Mrs.Sheela during 2002 – 03.
12. Machinery account showed a balance of Rs.80,000 on 1st April
      2001. On 1st October 2003, another machinery was purchased for
      Rs.48,000. On 30th September 2003, a machinery which has book
      value Rs.80,000 on 1.4.2001 was sold for the Rs.48,000. Depreciation
      is to be provided at 10% per annum on Written Down Value Method.
      The accounting year ends on 31st March.
      Prepare Machinery account and Depreciation account for three years.
13. What are the causes of depreciation?
14. Ganesh & Co. purchased a Machinery worth Rs.3,00,000 on 1st
      October 2000. They spent Rs.20,000 on it’s erection. The firm
      writes off depreciation at the rate of 10% on the original cost
      every year. The books are closed on 31st March of every year.
      Prepare Machinery account and Depreciation account for three
15. Abdul purchased a Machinery on 1st April 2001 for Rs.2,00,000.
      After having used it for three years it was sold for Rs.1,60,000.
      Depreciation is to be provided at the rate of 10% p.a. on
      Diminishing Balance Method. Accounts are closed on 31st March of every year.
       Find out the Profit or Loss on sale of machinery
16. From the given data, calculate
        1. Gross Profit Ratio
        2. Net Profit Ratio and
        3. Current Ratio
                                          Rs.                                                                 Rs.
         Sales                    3,00,000                   Cost of goods sold        2,00,000
      Net Profit                  30,000                   Current Assets               60,000
      Current liabilities        30,000
17. Enumerate the steps in the preparation of cash budget.
18. List the methods that can be used for the preparation of the cash Budget.
19.  P, Q and R were partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1. P
       draws Rs.5,000 at the end of each quarter. Q draws Rs.10,000 at the
       end of each half year. R draws Rs.2,000 on 1.5.2004 Rs.3,000 on
       31.10.2004, Rs.5,000 on 30.11.2004. Calculate interest on their
       drawings at 10% p.a. for the year ending 31.3.2005.
20. A firm’s net profits during the last three years were Rs.90,000
     Rs.1,00,000 and Rs.1,10,000. The capital employed in the firm is
     Rs.3,00,000. A normal return on the capital is 10%. Calculate the value
     of goodwill on the basis of two years’ purchase of super profit.
21. Mahesh and Ramesh are partners sharing profits in the ratio of
      3:2 with capitals of Rs.50,000 and Rs.40,000 respectively. Interest on
     capital is agreed at 8% p.a. Interest on drawings is fixed at 10% p.a.
     The drawings of the partners were Rs.15,000 and Rs.10,000, the
      interest for Mahesh Rs.750 and for Ramesh Rs.500. Mahesh is entitled
      to a salary of Rs.12,000 p.a. and Ramesh is entitled to get a commission
     of 10% on the Net Profit before charging such commission. The Net
     Profit of the firm before making the above adjustments was Rs.60,000
     for the year ended 31st March, 2005.
    Prepare the profit and loss appropriation account
22. Elavarasan and Amudharasan are partners with capitals of
      Rs.1,50,000 and Rs.1,00,000 respectively on 1st April 2004. The
      Trading Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2005 was
      Rs.60,000. Interest on capital is to be allowed at 6% per annum.
      Amudharasan entitled to a salary of Rs.15,000 per annum. The
      drawings of the partners were Elavarasan Rs.15,000 and
      Amudharasan Rs.10,000; The interest on drawings are Elavarasan
      Rs.500 and Amudharasan Rs.250. Assuming that Elavarasan and
      Amudharasan are equal partners. Prepare the Profit and Loss
      Appropriation Account and the Capital Accounts as on 31st
      March, 2005.
23. From the following information, calculate the value of goodwill at
      three years’ purchase of super profit.
      i) Average Capital employed in the business Rs.6,00,000.
      ii) Net trading profits of the firm for the past three years were
      Rs.1,07,600, Rs.90,700 and Rs.1,12,500.
      iii) Rate of interest expected from capital having to the risk
      involved is 12%.
      iv) Fair remuneration to the partners for their service
      Rs.12, 000 p.a.
24. Sridevi and Cynthia were partners sharing profit and loss in the
      ratio of 3:2. They decided to admit Fathima into the partnership
     and revalue their assets and liabilities as indicated here under:
    (a) To bring into record investment of Rs. 18,000 which had not
    so far been recorded in the books of the firm.
    (b) To depreciate stock, furniture and machinery by Rs.18,000,
    Rs.6,000 and Rs.30,000 respectively.
  (c) To provide for workmen’s compensation of Rs.24,000.
    Pass the necessary journal entries and show the revaluation account.
25. Kalavathi and Malathi are two partners sharing profits in the ratio
     Of 4:3. Leelavathi is admitted for 1/3rd share of profits. Goodwill
    Of the firm is to be valued at 2 years’ purchase of 3 years’ profits
    Which have been Rs.44, 000 Rs. 56,000, Rs. 68,000. Give journal
    Entries if:
    (a) There is no goodwill in the books of the firm.
    (b) The goodwill account appears at Rs. 28,000
    (c) The goodwill already existing in the books is Rs. 1, 68,000
26. Ramu, Somu and Gopu were partners of a firm sharing profit and
      losses in the ratio of 5:3:2. On 1st April 2005, Gopu wanted to
     retire, they decided to revalue their firms’ assets and liabilities as
     indicated below:
    (a) Increase the value of premises by Rs.30,000.
    (b) Depreciate stock, furniture and machinery by Rs.10,000,
         Rs. 5,000 and Rs.23,000 respectively.
   (c) Provide for an outstanding liability of Rs.2,000.
     Pass journal entries and revaluation account in the books of the
     firm to carryout the above decision of its partners.
27. Cholan Ltd., issued 1000 shares of Rs.100 each. Pass journal
     entry in the following cases.
     a) Shares are issued at par
     b) Shares are issued at a premium of Rs. 20.
     c) Shares are issued at a discount of Rs.10.
28. Banu Ltd. issued 5000 shares of Rs.10 each at par payable on
      application Rs.3 per share, on allotment Rs.3 per share, on first call
     Rs.2 per share & final call Rs.2. Mr.Raju was allotted 50 shares. Give
     the necessary journal entry relating to forfeiture of shares in each of the
     following alternative cases.
    a) If Mr.Raju failed to pay first call money and his shares were
   b) If Mr.Raju failed to pay both the calls and his shares were
29. The Directors of a Company after due notice forfeited 100 Shares
     of Rs.10 each on which the final call money of Rs.3 was not paid.
    Later these shares were reissued at Rs.8 per share. Pass entries.
30. A company forfeited 200 shares of Rs.10 each on which the first
     Call money of Rs.3 and final call of Rs.2 per share were not received.
    These shares were subsequently reissued at Rs.7 per share fully paid
    Up. Pass journal entries for forfeiture and reissue.
31. Kanchana Ltd. forfeited 1000 shares of Rs.10 each issued at a
     discount of 10% for non payment of first call Rs.2 and second call Rs.3
     These shares were reissued to Mr.Arun upon a payment of
     Rs.7,000 as fully paid.
32. The Directors of a company forfeited 100 equity shares of Rs.10
      Each on which the first call of Rs.3 and final call of Rs.3 had not been
      Paid. Of these 40 shares were reissued upon payment of Rs.300.
      Journalise the transactions of forfeiture and reissue of shares.
33.  Gani Ltd. forfeited 20 shares of Rs.10 each fully called up, held
       by Santha for non-payment of final call of Rs.4 per share. These
      shares were re-issued to Josephin for Rs.8 per share as fully paid
      up. Give journal entries for the forfeiture and re-issue of shares
34. A Company forfeited 100 equity shares of Rs.100 each issued at
     Premium of 10% (to be paid at the time of allotment) on which
     First call money of Rs.30 per share and final call of Rs.20 were not
     Received. These shares were forfeited and subsequently re-issued
    at Rs.90 per share. Give necessary journal entries regarding
    Forfeiture and re-issue of shares.
                                         PART – D
                              (20 MARKS)
 1. Sriram Ltd. issued 10,000 shares of Rs.100 each at Rs.120
    payable as follows:
    Rs. 25 on application;
   Rs. 45 on allotment (including premium);
   Rs. 20 on first Call; and
   Rs. 30 on final Call.
   9,000 shares were applied for and allotted. All money was received
   With the exception of first and the final calls on 200 shares held by
   Ram. These shares were forfeited. Give the Journal entries and
  Important ledger Accounts.
2. Saraswathi Ltd. having an authorised capital of Rs.20,00,000 in
shares of Rs.100 each invited applications for 10,000 shares
payable as follows:
On Application Rs. 30
On Allotment Rs. 20
On First Call Rs. 25
On Final Call Rs. 25
The company received applications for 12,000 shares. Applictions
for 10,000 shares were accepted in full and the money on 2000
applications rejected was returned.
All money due as stated above was received with the exception
of the final call of 250 shares. Half of these shares were forfeited
and re-issued as fully paid at Rs.90 per share. Pass necessary
journal entries.
3. Surya Ltd. issued 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at premium
   of 10% payable as under:
   on application Rs.3
  on allotment Rs.5 (including premium)
  on first and final call Rs.3
 The whole of the issue was called for by the company and all the
 money were duly received except call money on 500 shares. These
 shares were, therefore, forfeited and later on re-issued at Rs.9 per
 share as fully paid.
4. Priya, Sudha and Vidya were partners of a firm sharing profits
   and losses in proportion to their capitals. Their balance sheet as
   on 31st December 2004 stood as under:
Liabilities                      Rs.                              Assets                          Rs.
Creditors                     21,000                           Cash at Bank                   16,000
Reserve fund               48,000                            Debtors             20,000
Capital accounts                                               Less: Provision for
Priya :   90,000                                                 doubtful debts      1,000    19,000
Sudha : 60,000                                                  Stock                              18,000
Vidya : 30,000           1,80,000                            Machinery                      48,000
                                                                       Land and Building          1,00,000
                                                                       Goodwill 48,000
                                2,49,000                                                                 2,49,000
On 1st January, 2005, Sudha retired from the firm on the following
(a) Goodwill of the firm was estimated at Rs.36,000.
(b) The land and building was appreciated by 10%
(c) Provision for doubtful debts was reduced by Rs.600.
(d) Out of the amount of insurance which was debited entirely to
profit and loss account, Rs.2,000 be carried forward for
unexpired insurance.
(e) A provision of Rs.3,000 was made in respect of an
outstanding bill for repairs.
Show revaluation account, Capital accounts and the balance sheet
of the reconstituted partnership
5.      A and B were partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2.
      Their Balance sheet as on 31st December, 2001 is as under:
       Liabilities                        Rs.              Assets                                 Rs.
       Capital:                                             Land & Buildings                40,000
          A      30,000                                   Plant & Machinery             10,000
          B       25,000             55,000          Investments                         10,000
      Reserve fund                 10,000          Stock                                  11,000
      Sundry Creditors           16,000         Profit & Loss Account          10,000
      Bills payable                   6,800          Sundry Debtor            5,000
                                                                 Less: Provision for
                                                                 doubtful debts           200     4,800
                                                                 Cash                                  2,000
                                             87,800                                                  87,800
      They decided to admit C into the partnership with effect from 1st January, 2002.
       i) That C shall bring as a capital of Rs.20,000 for 1/3rd Profits.
       ii) That goodwill of the firm was valued at Rs.36,000.
       iii) Land was to be revalued at Rs.45,000 and investments at Rs.25,000.
       iv) Stock was to be written down by Rs.2,000.
       v) That provision for doubtful debts was to be increased to Rs.300.
       vi) Creditors include Rs.500 no longer payable and this sum was to be written off.
       Pass journal entries to carry out the above terms of admission.
       Also show Revaluation account, Capital accounts of partners and
       the Balance Sheet of the reconstituted partnership.
6.   Set out below is the balance sheet of Narayanan and Perumal
      sharing profits and losses equally as at 1st April, 2005.
       Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
       Sundry creditors                      24,000          Cash in Hand                        2,000
       Capital Accounts:                                         Cash at Bank                      19,000
            Narayanan :  60,000                                 Sundry Debtors   12,000
            Perumal :      60,000        1,20,000           Less: Provision
                                                                              for doubtful debts 1,000   11,000
                                                                             Furniture                                8,000
                                                                             Buildings                             80,000
                                                                             Stock 24,000
                                                     1,44,000                                                      1,44,000
     On that date they admit Palani into the firm subject to the following
      terms of revaluation.
      (a) Stock and furniture are to be reduced in value by 10%.
      (b) Building are to be appreciated by Rs.15,000
      (c) A Provision for doubtful debts to be increased to Rs.1,500.
      Prepare the revaluation account, capital accounts and the Balance
      Sheet after the above adjustment.
7.   The following are the balances extracted from the books of
      Mrs.Suguna as on 31st March, 2004.
       Debit Balances Rs. Credit Balances Rs.
      Drawings                40,000          Capital                          2,00,000
      Cash at Bank          17,000          Sales                             1,60,000
      Cash in hand           60,000          Sundry Creditors            45,000
      Wages                     10,000
      Purchases                20,000
      Stock (31.03.03)     60,000
      Buildings             1,00,000
      Sundry debtors       44,000
      Bills Receivable     29,000
      Rent                          4,500
      Commission             2,500
      General Expenses    8,000
      Furniture                  5,000
      Suspense Account    5,000
                                   4,05,000                                               4,05,000
      1. Closing Stock Rs.40,000 valued as on 31.03.04.
      2. Interest on Capital at 6% to be provided.
      3. Interest on Drawings at 5% to be provided.
      4. Depreciate buildings at the rate of 10% per annum.
      5. Write off Bad debts Rs.1,000.
      6. Wages yet to be paid Rs.500
      Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet
      as on 31st March 2004.
8.   The following balances have been extracted from the books of
      Mrs.Padma as on 31st March, 2002.
       Debit Balances                    Rs.                  Credit Balances               Rs.
       Furniture                           30,000                Capital                           2,00,000
       Cash in Hand                      8,000                Commission                      14,000
       Opening Stock               1,00,000                Sales                               6,00,000
       Purchases                       3,20,000                Creditors                         1,00,000
       Investments @10%           20,000                 Interest                              1,500
       Drawings                           60,000
       Bad debts                          12,000
       Salaries                             60,000
       Carriage inwards              20,000
       Insurance                          12,000
       Rent                                  26,000
      Debtors                           1,80,000
      Advertising                        40,000
      Printing & Stationery        12,000
      General Expenses             15,500
                                             9,15,500                                                          9,15,500
     The following adjustments are to be made:
     1. Closing stock was valued at Rs.80,000.
     2. Provide for accrued interest on investments Rs.500.
     3. Commission received in advance Rs.4,000.
     4. A provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts is to be created to
     The extent of 5% on Sundry Debtors.
     5. A provision for discount on Sundry creditors is to be created
     To the extent of 2% on Sundry creditors..
9. Mr.James commenced business on 1.4.2004 with a Capital of
    Rs.75, 000. He immediately bought furniture for Rs.12,000. During
    the year, he borrowed Rs.15,000 from his wife as loan. He has
   Withdrawn Rs.21, 600 for his family expenses. From the following
   Particulars you are required to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss A/c
   And Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2005.
   Cash received from Sundry debtors                         1, 21,000
   Cash paid to Sundry creditors                                  1, 75,000
   Cash Sales                                                              1, 00,000
   Cash Purchases                                                           40,000
   Carriage inwards                                                           4,500
   Discount allowed to Sundry debtors                              4,000
   Salaries                                                                        5,000
   Office Expenses                                                           4,000
   Advertisement                                                              5,000
   Closing balance of Sundry debtors                              75,000
   Closing balance of Sundry creditors                            50,000
   Closing Stock                                                             35,000
   Closing cash balance                                                   43,900
   Provide 10% depreciation on furniture’s
10. From the following details, prepare Trading and Profit & Loss
      Account for the period ended 31.3.2004 and a Balance sheet on that
                                         As on 1.4.2003   As on 31.3.2004
Stock                                        50,000                      25,000
Sundry Debtors                     1,25,000                   1,75,000
Cash                                         12,500                      20,000
Furniture                                    5,000                        5,000
Sundry Creditors                      75,000                     87,500
Other Details:
Drawings                                        20,000
Discount received                             7,500
Discount allowed                              5,000
Sundry expenses                             17,500
Cash paid to creditors                  2,25,000
Cash received from debtors         2,67,500
Sales return                                       7,500
Purchase return                                 2,500
Cash sales                                         2,500
11. Mr.Kannan started business with Rs.2,62,500 on 1.4.2003. He
      bought furniture for Rs.42,000. He borrowed Rs.52,500 from
      bank. He had withdrawn for personal expenses Rs.75,600. From
      the details given below prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account
      and Balance Sheet on 31.4.2004.
      Credit sales                                                          7,00,000
      Cash sales                                                            3,50,000
      Credit purchases                                                  7,87,500
      Cash purchases                                                    1,40,000
      Wages                                                                     15,750
      Discount allowed                                                      3,500
      Salaries                                                                    17,500
      Business expenses                                                   14,000
      Advertisement                                                         17,500
      Closing Sundry debtors                                        2,62,500
      Closing Sundry creditors                                      1,75,000
      Closing stock                                                        1,22,500
      Closing cash balance                                            1,64,150
      Depreciation to be provided on furniture @ 10
12. Mrs.Pramila maintained her account books on single entry system.
      From the following information available in her records, prepare
      Trading, Profit and Loss account for the year ending 31.3.2003
      and a Balance Sheet as on that date, depreciating machinery at
      10% per annum.
                                       Cash Book
       Receipts Rs                                          . Payments Rs.
       To Balance b/d                16,000        By (Cash) Purchases               28,000
       To (Cash) Sales               80,000        By Sundry Creditors               40,000
       To Sundry Debtors         60,000        By General Expenses             12,000
                                                                   By Wages                                    4,000
                                                                   By Drawings                             16,000
                                                                   By Balance c/d                         56,000
                                             1,56,000                                                         1,56,000
      Other Information:
       31.3.2002 31.3.2003
       Rs. Rs.
      Sundry Debtors                   18,000                  ????
      Sundry Creditors                 28,800                  ????
      Stock                                   20,000              32,000
      Machinery                           80,000              80,000
      Furniture                               6,000                6,000
      Additional information:
      Discount allowed                  2,800
      Discount received                                          3,400
      Credit Sales                         68,800
      Credit purchases                  28,200
13.  From the following details calculate
      1. Gross Profit Ratio
      2. Net Profit Ratio
      3. Stock Turnover Ratio
      4. Debtors Turnover Ratio
      Sales                                            1,50,000
      Cost of Goods Sold                     1,20,000
      Opening Stock                                29,000
      Closing Stock                                 31,000
      Debtors                                          15,000
      Administration Expenses                 15,000
14. From the following Profit and Loss Account of a company,
      ascertain the following ratios.
      1. Gross Profit Ratio
      2. Net Profit Ratio
      3. Operating Ratio
      4. Operating Profit Ratio
      5. Stock Turnover Ratio
      Trading and Profit & Loss Account forDr the year ending 31.3.2005 Cr
      Particulars                          Rs             Particulars           Rs.
      To Opening Stock            10,000    By Sales                    56,000
      To Purchase                    44,000    By Closing stock        10,000
      To Gross Profit                20,100
                                             66,000                                     66,000
      To Administration
            Expenses                     2,000    By Gross Profit         20,100
      To Selling expenses            8,900    By Dividend                1,000
      To Interest                         3,000    By Profit on sale
      To Net Profit                      8,000    of investments               800
                                               21,900                                     21,900
15. From the following, calculate Profitability ratios.
      Trading & Profit and Loss of Ambika & Co.  for the year ending 31.3.2004
             Particulars                 Rs.          Particulars                   Rs.
       To Opening Stock       1,99,000     By Sales                      17,00,000
       To Purchase               11,19,000     By Closing stock         2,98,000
       To Gross Profit            6,80,000
                                          19,98,000                                            19,98,000
       To Administration
            Expenses                   3,00,000     By Gross Profit             6,80,000
       To Selling expenses        60,000     By Interest                      18,000
       To Financial expenses     30,000
       To Loss on sale of Plant    8,000
       To Net Profit                   3,00,000
                                      6,98,000                                            6,98,000
16. Prepare a cash budget for the months – March, April and May
      2005 from the following information
Credit  sale         
Credit purchase       

      Additional information:
      1) Opening cash balance Rs.8, 000.
      2) Period of credit allowed to customers one month
      3) Period of credit allowed by suppliers two months.
      4) Wages and miscellaneous expenses are payable in the same month.
      5) Lag in payment of office expenses is one month
17. Prepare a Cash Budget of Rama Ltd., for the months of January
     to March 2004 from the following information:
                         Credit Purchases         Credit Sales            Expenses
                                 Rs.                             Rs                       . Rs
November              2, 00,000                  2, 50,000               50,000
December               3, 50,000                 3, 00,000               60,000
January                  3, 00,000                  4, 50,000                70,000
February                4, 00,000                  2, 00,000                80,000
March                    5, 00,000                 3, 50,000                70,000
Additional Information:
i) Expected cash balance as on 1.1.2004 Rs.75, 000
ii) Suppliers allowed credit of two months and a credit of two
    Months is allowed to the customers
iii) Lag in payment of expenses one month.
iv) Sale of fixed assets in the month of February Rs. 95,000
18. Prepare a cash budget for October, November and December
      2004 from the following information
      Month                           Sales           Purchases              Expenses
                                              Rs.                 Rs                    .   Rs.
     September 2004         10, 00,000         8, 00,000            1, 10,000
     October 2004             12, 00,000       12, 00,000            1, 30,000
     November 2004         14, 00,000         8, 00,000            1, 50,000
     December 2004          16, 00,000       10, 00,000            1, 70,000
    1. All sales are for cash.
    2. The period of credit allowed by the suppliers is one month.
    3. Lag in payment of expenses is one month.
    4. Opening balance of cash on 1.10.04 is Rs.90, 000.
   5. In December, an asset for Rs.4, 00,000 is to be purchased.